Yakult Ace Light

55% less sugar

It is lighter, less sweet taste compared to Yakult Ace, but with the same high concentration of live Shirota strain over 30 billion in each bottle. Just like Yakult Ace, Yakult Ace Light cultured milk drink is free of fat, cholesterol, colourings, preservatives, conditioners and stabilisers.

Yakult Ace Light

55% less sugar

It is lighter, less sweet taste compared to Yakult Ace, but with the same high concentration of live Shirota strain -over 30 billion in each bottle. Just like Yakult Ace, Yakult Ace Light cultured milk drink is free of fat, cholesterol, colourings, preservatives, conditioners and stabilisers.


Highest concentration of probiotics

30 Billion

Live Shirota strain in each Yakult bottle


One of the “strongest” strains of beneficial bacteria


No preservatives, no colouring, no stabilisers

Yakult is the right choice for you and your family.